The 2017 Unity Conference and GEB Swearing-in will be held on Tuesday, May 9, at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. The times for these events are as follows:
Tuesday, May 9
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Unity Conference
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. GEB Swearing-In/Reception
Trade Divisions, Trade Conferences and other affiliates will be scheduling meetings beginning on Monday, May 8, through Thursday, May 11. A schedule of events will be forwarded to each affiliate once these meetings are scheduled. Conference registration will open Monday, May 8, at 8:00 a.m.
A room block has been set up at the Paris Hotel at a rate of $137.00. To make hotel reservations, please call 1-877-603-4389 and identify yourself as part of the IBT Block. The cutoff date for hotel reservations is April 7, 2017.
To register online for this event, please go to: http://ibt.io/2017Unity
The deadline for online registration is May 3, 2017.
For additional information, please contact:
Meeting Information – Megan Hahn, 202-624-8799 or mhahn@teamster.org
Travel Assistance – Kim Gardner, 202-624-6999 or kgardner@teamster.org
Conference Registration – Vicky Matullo, 202-624-8724 or vmatullo@teamster.org