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Local 743 Members Unite to Uplift Two Grieving Teamster Families
Aug 20, 2021

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the way we live, but not the way we love. Teamsters Local 743 takes that to heart and has once again pulled together to help out the families of two members who went through incredible loss in 2020. Through generous donations from Local 743 Staff, fellow union members and business associates, thousands of dollars were raised for two families in great need of support as part of Local 743’s annual Adopt a Family program.

Local 743 members Shaquita Stacker and Timothy Andrews have each endured an unimaginable loss in recent months. In August, Stacker’s 13-year-old daughter Jaeda died by suicide. In October, one of Andrews’ twin 8 year old daughters, Timya, was struck by a stray bullet that came through their window. After spending a few days in the hospital on life support, she passed away.

“Every year Local 743 chooses to adopt the family of a Local 743 Brother or Sister who has suffered a devastating illness or loss.  But this year was by far the saddest story to tell. To lose a child is every parent’s worst nightmare.  The Stacker and Andrews families both tragically lost their young daughters and their lives will never be the same,” said Local 743 President Debra Simmons-Peterson. Local 743 collects donations and gifts to try to help our Adopt a Family recipients cope during the Holidays and hopefully bring them some joy and peace.  It is our way of helping these grieving families during a very difficult and painful time.  We are very grateful to everyone who generously donated to these two struggling families,” Simmons-Peterson said.

Stacker works at Rush University Medical Center.  She is grateful to Local 743 and all of the Brother and Sisters who helped pick her up in her time of need.

“I would like to thank Local 743, Debra Simmons for picking me and my lovely family for the Christmas adoption. You all were very thoughtful and we deeply appreciate everyone so much. This really means a lot to me that you all were able to give my family a beautiful Christmas. This year has been really tough for me with the loss of my daughter Jaeda. I'm so appreciative for this blessing that we received. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone,“ Stacker said.

Andrews is a former Union Steward from Bon Apetit and 21-year member of Local 743. He said the extra love from his Teamster family has helped his family get through a very tough time.

“Thank you to all my Teamsters Local 743 Brothers and Sisters for all the love, support and kindness as we go through this very tough time for our family.  On October 28th I lost my baby Timya and heaven gained an angel.  Our hearts are heavy with grief but with God, prayer, the support of family, friends and Local 743, we will get through this.  Please keep us in your prayers,” Andrews said.

Teamsters Local 743
4620 S. Tripp Avenue
Chicago, IL 60632
  (773) 254-7460

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